Post Generali
It's now been a couple of weeks since the generali solo. I have been based down in the med, working on my boat, having a couple of days...

Pre Generali Solo
After a busy summer back in the UK with Cowes week, Merlin Rocket nationals, setting up for next year, it's now time for the final single...

Cowes Cherbourg Rorc race
Its great to be back out racing in the Figaro. with 5 other Figaros on the start line all racing double hannded this was a great little...
Best of de la Solitaire
Some of the highlights of the SDF Ericbompard cashmeare put together by the event orginizers.

End Of SDF 2015
The Solitaire to du Figaro Eric Bombard Cashmere has now come to an end with a battle right up to the finish line. After a great stopover...

New course for final leg
New course for leg 4 due to forecast light winds.. It's going to be a long one, lots of wind transitions and ridges. It's all to play for...

Leg 2 -Top 10!`
There was an interesting start day (and night!) which saw us postponed for the safety of the fleet, with winds of 40 + knts around Cap...

Leg1 2015 Pauillac - Sanxenxo
The first leg was a pretty rounded leg with a bit of all conditions. Transitions from super light beats, to light reaches, to windy...

Final countdown..
Now in the final countdown to The start of the Figaro Eric Bompard cashmere. Everyone is exited after been docked up in Bordeaux for the...