Canada Ocean racing with Skipper Alan Roberts has broken the Royal Ocean Racing Club Transatlantic (RORC) Transatlantic Course Record in the double handed class by more than 8 hours. The annual RORC Transatlantic race, which takes competitors from Lanzarote, Canary Islands, to Grenada, Caribbean, saw co–skippers Alan Roberts and Scott Shawyer race 3000 miles to cross the line in 9 days 12 hours and 26 minutes, leading to a record breaking corrected time of 16 days 3 hours and 39 minutes.

The International Rating Certificate System (IRC) allows boats of different shapes and sizes to compete for the same records. Record attempts are calculated from a boat’s elapsed time on the course, and their measured ‘handicap’, the boat’s IRC TCC figure. This allows a relative corrected time to be determined which serves as a true demonstration of skills on a level playing field.
This record-breaking achievement is a milestone victory for the Canada Ocean Racing team in their first ever race. Being newly launched in August 2022, the team had a goal to finish safely and competitively in their first official race. So, to be breaking records this early in the team’s history, is a great sign for things to come.
Alan commented " this was a great race and a brilliant way to start the project. Its great to race double handed and we had some tight competition against some fully crewed boats in the race. being scotts first offshore race it was great for him to experience the tight racing and awesome trade winds conditions. We are looking forward to getting out for some more racing"
