Second Over all for Roberts at the Solo Maitre Coq
The Solo Maitre Coq is a race that tests all aspects of Figaro sailing with the event incorporating short inshore coastal racing as well as a classic 350 mile offshore leg. It is not only a test of boat speed and navigational skills but also of boat on boat tactics, fleet management and self control with the event taking part over a week.

Roberts has really stood out in this event and proven him self to be not only a contender and but a skipper that can bring together all of the elements required and convert them to a top result in a competitive fleet once again.

" It is great to validate all of the hard work done through out the winter months - as well as the years of experience. I am very lucky that I have always had great people around me and have always worked and sailed with the best people in any given area of the sport. This year is no different, working along side Neale Macdonald and sailing with Nicolas Lunven has been a fantastic boost, we have been extremely methodical in our approach this season and I am really happy to see the results where it counts on the race course."
